When I was about three years old my family still lived in Seattle, and I shared a room with my big brother Dominick. Our beds were right next to each other; mine a crib and his a big-boy bed. Dominick was five at the time, and was scared of everything. He had a special nightlight so the Boogy Monster would stay far away from his bed while he slept. I on the other hand, was a fearless baby would liked to inflict pain on my poor brother.
One night, while my unsuspecting brother snoozed in his cozy bed, I got bored in my crib. I had recently figured out how to crawl up the side of my crib and look at Dom over the top. I scrambled up quietly, made the scariest face I possibly could, and banged on my crib to wake him up. Startled, his eyes opened only to see my evil face glaring down at him. He let out a screech and ran right to our parents room. Needless to say my crib was moved across the room the next day.
Omg erika that is hilarious!! i can totally see you doing that(no offense haha) Great story(: